Sunday, January 18, 2009

Guess what? It's Winter!

My poor southern goldfish. I guess they are ok, I see their lateral fins move every once in a while. Since the entire pond isn't frozen and the pump is still running, I guess they are getting air. How much air can a goldfish use if it is a popsicle anyway? They will be ok...please PETA don't email me. This happens every once in a while.

Ok, yeah I know it is winter, but brrrr...the outdoor temperatures here havn't gotten above freezing for a few days now. This is a shot of the pump-thing in my goldfish pond. The picture doesn't do it justice though; doesn't quite capture the light right.
I suppose I shouldn't complain, it is a bright sunshiny day here after all and we don't have snow piled up yards deep. It could be worse :)
Today is going to be a restful day for my husband and myself. Our boys are off on with their respective friends and the house is quiet...too quiet. I haven't even checked the news yet today. I think I will practice for the Inauguration and keep the MSM out of my private sanctuary for a bit longer.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday.

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