Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Gateway Pundit: Good Is Bad, Up Is Down, Black Is White, War Is Peace, Tax Evasion Is a Glitch... America Is Safer With Gitmo Closed

Gateway Pundit: Good Is Bad, Up Is Down, Black Is White, War Is Peace, Tax Evasion Is a Glitch... America Is Safer With Gitmo Closed

"The Exalted One spaketh this morn
on Day 15 of the First Year of AB:
President Barack Obama says his decision to close the Guantanamo prison
"will make us safer" and ensure that the government is upholding legal
guarantees under the U.S. justice system.In an interview aired Monday on NBC's
"Today" show, Obama says his decision to close the military prison at the U.S.
naval base in Cuba was driven by his attempts to balance "what's going to keep
the American people safe"
and constitutionally guaranteed rights for those
imprisoned. And, it was good."

Our nation is significantly weaker in just two weeks that Obama has been in office compared to all the years that came before BO. He has bungled and bumbled and stumbled every step of the way. We are in serious trouble folks, and unless he is miraculously declared to NOT be the president we are going to witness one of the most spectacular and tragic episodes in American history.

Yep, welcome to the carnival funhouse out for those mirrors though...

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