By Nancy Matthis Wednesday, May 13th, 2009 at 3:37 am
Detainment facilities to house American citizens, guarded by armed soldiers or paramilitary troops, will be built by the Department of Homeland Security, under a new bill in the House of Representatives. The National Emergency Centers Establishment Act (H.R. 645)
“to direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish national emergency centers on military installations” was introduced in the House by disgraced former Florida judge and now Congressman Alcee Hastings (D-FL). [Hastings, you will recall, was impeached from his judgeship in 1989 by the House of Representatives for accepting a $150,000 bribe and committing perjury to cover up.]
We recommend using the Open Congress posting of this legislation because it can be annotated with citizen commentary. Alternatively, the GovTrack version is here and the Library of Congress (Thomas) version is here. You can follow the ongoing status of the bill here.
Ostensibly, this legislation is proposed to remedy relocation difficulties from natural or man-made disasters, such as those experienced following hurricane Katrina. That argument is specious, because the Katrina disaster was exacerbated, not by a lack of preparedness, but by the ineptitude of then Democrat-controlled governments of the City of New Orleans and the State of Louisianna (see Katrina’s Timeline). In more recent emergencies, beginning with Gustav, southern states with Republican governors have demonstrated remarkable efficiency in evacuating at-risk populations to civilian facilities such as schools and convention centers (see Here Comes Gustav, Jindal-LA; Gov. Perry Issues Disaster Declaration in Anticipation of Tropical Storm Perry-TX; Florida braces for one-two punch from storms Crist-FL; Governor Barbour Prepares Mississippi for Gustav Barbour-MS). We recall heartwarming pictures of school bus convoys loading threatened residents and their pets, people with dogs and cats in carriers, old folk carrying bird cages. Way to go!
Since the Katrina problem has demonstrably been solved, many are suspicious of this new bill. From Global Research, Canada:
Preparing for Civil Unrest in AmericaLegislation to Establish Internment Camps on US Military Bases
Directly related to the issue of curbing social unrest, [a] cohesive system of detention camps is also envisaged, under the jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security and the Pentagon.
A bill entitled the National Emergency Centers Establishment Act (HR 645) was introduced in the US Congress in January. It calls for the establishment of six national emergency centers in major regions in the US to be located on existing military installations….
The stated purpose of the “national emergency centers” is to provide “temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster.” In actuality, what we are dealing with are FEMA internment camps. HR 645 states that the camps can be used to “meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security.”…. (emphasis mine)
These “civilian facilities” on US military bases are to be established in cooperation with the US Military. Modeled on Guantanamo, what we are dealing with is the militarization of FEMA internment facilities.
Once a person is arrested and interned in a FEMA camp located on a military base, that person would in all likelihood, under a national emergency, fall under the de facto jurisdiction of the Military: civilian justice and law enforcement including habeas corpus would no longer apply.
HR 645 bears a direct relationship to the economic crisis and the likelihood of mass protests across America. It constitutes a further move to militarize civilian law enforcement, repealing the Posse Comitatus Act.
Law enforcement reporter and policeman Jim Kouri writes in the Washington Examiner:
Obama and Congress to create US emergency centers or prison camps?
The House bill (HR 645) is not even on the radar of members of the elite media. According to critics of the plan, if passed the government will create camps or centers that by their nature restrict the activities of US citizens herded into them…
One critic, political strategist [former CIA analyst] Mike Baker claims the idea of such detention center smacks of forced incarceration in concentration camps for political dissidents, such as occurred in Nazi Germany, which Americans find repugnant.
Hastings bill is suspected of attempting to help expand President Obama’s military and law enforcement powers….
“While Obama and his team are making it sound as if they will use the military in a non-combative roll, part of the training being conducted is in urban warfare,” claims political strategist Mike Baker. “Obama appears oblivious to Posse Comitatus and to the US Constitution when it comes to using the military against civilians within US borders,” he said.
And it is a fact that our military is being retrained for civilian population control.
From Army Times — Brigade homeland tours start Oct. 1 [2008]:
The 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team has spent 35 of the last 60 months in Iraq patrolling in full battle rattle, helping restore essential services and escorting supply convoys.
Now they’re training for the same mission — with a twist — at home….
It is not the first time an active-duty unit has been tapped to help at home. In August 2005, for example, when Hurricane Katrina unleashed hell in Mississippi and Louisiana, several active-duty units were pulled from various posts and mobilized to those areas.
But this new mission marks the first time an active unit has been given a dedicated assignment to NorthCom, a joint command established in 2002 to provide command and control for federal homeland defense efforts and coordinate defense support of civil authorities….
They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control….
Prison camps are certainly not unheard of in the United States.
During World War II there were three categories of prison camps:
Japanese-American citizens were interned in facilities on the west coast,
Axis citizens deported from South America and Axis sailors caught in our ports at the outbreak of war were detained in about twenty INS facilities in the US, and
German prisoners of war were kept in prison camps on federal land, such as national parks.
When I was a young girl, the family used to go for a car ride in the country on Sundays, and during World War II, we would drive past the local prison camp and look at the young German soldiers, much as we toured the gaily lit houses at Christmastime. Our favorite attraction was located near Fort Niagara, on federal park land in New York State. And the young Germans would stand pressed to the perimeter fence and stare back at us, at the parade of well-dressed people and their fine cars who had come to gawk. After the war, most of them wanted to stay in the US and got jobs here if they could. Willie, the janitor in our apartment building, was one of those newly freed prisoners, and considered his capture one of the best things that ever happened to him, because it brought him to America and eventually a decent way to make a living.
More recently, the illegal immigrants rounded up in the Agriprocessors meat-packing plant raid in Postville, Iowa were kept in a detainment facility. And Arizona’s Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio houses illegal aliens convicted of crime in a detention/work camp, where about 2000 inmates live in tents. But these historical and current examples involve people who have declared war or committed a crime. What about ordinary citizens?
All the legal power required to round up and inter large segments of the United States population already exists — see the list of Executive Orders below, which have the force of law. So the issue of whether Barack Hussein Obama can inter dissident segments of the US population is settled — he can. The only remaining question is whether he would really do that. Now to most reasonable Americans this sounds like the far-right stuff of conspiracy theory. So I will not offer any opinions here. I will just lay some extant facts on the table.
Obama’s entire formative life — childhood upbringing, cultural milieu, schooling, mentoring, early political career and associations — was almost entirely an environment of socialism, Marxism, communism.
Among Obama’s social and professional friends, William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn (radical husband and wife team) were prominent. Ayers and Dohrn were and are unrepentent advocates of the Weather Underground, devoted to destroying our government and our way of life. On May 21, 1970 an audiotape recorded by Dohrn announced a declaration of war on the United States. (Copies of four manifestos issued by Dohrn are linked in the references.) Obama’s political career was launched at a party in their Chicago home and his work environment was interlaced with theirs, sharing grant funding and at some points sharing an office.
Larry Grathwol was an undercover operative for law enforcement who infiltrated the Weather Underground. He discovered not only that Ayers’ intention was the overthrow of capitalism, but that Ayers expected to set up re-education camps, and “eliminate” an estimated 25 million dissident citizens that could not be re-educated (read the transcript of Grathwol’s testimony here).
During the presidential campaign, Obama announced his intention to set up a civilian national security force (seeing is believing, here’s a video of his speech):
“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve gotta have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded…
What’s the difference? All military officers take an oath to defend the Constitution. A civilian force would report to the executive.
The current administration, in their DHS Memo Rightwing Extremism Threat Assessment, has listed characteristics that describe most freedom loving Americans, including returning vets, right-to-life and gun rights advocates, people who display the Gadsden flag, those who oppose illegal immigration or are concerned about loss of US sovereignty, or people who cast a third party vote for Ron Paul or Bob Barr. Beyond the DHS memo, we have heard Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and Napolitano demonize people who attended tea parties, calling them rightwing extremists or “unhealthy.” Also, we are aware of their arrogant disdain for people who cling to their religion and their guns.
In July 2002, the Federal Emergency Management Agency was tasked with preparing “emergency, makeshift cities that could house hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Americans” and given a six-month deadline. This was a response to the 9-11 attacks, and in anticipation of potential terrorist destruction or chemical/biological contamination of American cities. The initiative was understandable, in context, if not optimal. In January 2006 a Haliburton subsidiary was awarded a $385 million contract“for establishing temporary detention and processing capabilities/” There are now reported to be over 600 of these facilities completely ready for use.
In view of already established infrastructure, what could be the rationale behind the new legislation, H.R. 645, which suggests six large camps? The existing camps, averaging 12 per state, would necessarily rely on significant numbers of local personnel for services and enforcement. In a country with our traditions of freedom, not enough law officers only loyal to the executive could be found. Reducing the number of camps to six super-camps would make the logistical and staffing problems more tractable, if a totalitarian power grab were to be tried. Just a thought!
In a previous article, we described the two-step process for eroding freedom, namely:
Use a real or manufactured crisis to induce public fear
Enact draconian laws (or take Orwellian measures) to remedy the crisis, preying on that fear to leverage increased government control and decreased personal freedom that the public would not normally accept.
If internment were to be carried out, the perpetrators would use a crisis as cover for the action — a terrorist attack, a pandemic, or civil unrest are some possibilities. So it is clear that, however egregious this Democratic administration becomes, civil unrest should be avoided at all costs.
There are two or three legal ways that an enlightened and aroused public can retake control of this country peaceably, which we will examine in a future article. And it is encouraging to keep in mind that totalitarian regimes in other countries have fallen through the peaceful resistance of courageous men like Mahatma Gandhi, Lech Walesa, Václav Havel, and Nelson Mandela. And we have no shortage of patriots.
Here’s a partial list of executive orders that already have the force of law — The FEMA list of Presidential Executive Orders. All of these were in place before Barack Hussein Obama took the oath of office:
#10995 by John Kennedy, 1962: ASSIGNING TELECOMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS — Seizure of all communications media in the United States.
#10997 by John Kennedy, 1962: ASSIGNING EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FUNCTIONS TO THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR — Seizure of all electric power, fuels, and minerals, both public and private.
#10998 by John Kennedy, 1962: ASSIGNING EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FUNCTIONS TO THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE — Seizure of all food supplies and resources, public, and private, all farms and farm equipment.
#10999 by John Kennedy, 1962: ASSIGNING EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FUNCTIONS TO THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE — Seizure of all means of transportation, including personal cars, trucks or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports and waterways.
#11000 by John Kennedy, 1962: ASSIGNING EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FUNCTIONS TO THE SECRETARY OF LABOR — Seizure of all American population for work forces under federal supervision, including dividing families as necessary according to governmental plans.
#11001 by John Kennedy, 1962: ASSIGNING EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FUNCTIONS TO THE SECRETARY OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE — Seizure of all health, education and welfare facilities, both public and private.
#11002by John Kennedy, 1962: ASSIGNING EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FUNCTIONS TO THE POSTMASTER GENERAL — Empowers the Postmaster General to register all men, women and children in the U.S.
#11004 by John Kennedy, 1962: ASSIGNING CERTAIN EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FUNCTIONS TO THE HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE ADMINISTRATOR — Seizure of all housing and finance authorities, to establish Forced Relocation. Designates areas to be abandoned as “unsafe,” establishes new locations for populations, relocates communications, builds new housing with public (’tax-payers’) funds.
#11005 by John Kennedy, 1962: ASSIGNING EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FUNCTIONS TO THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION — Seizure of all railroads, inland waterways and storage facilities, public and private.
#11051 by John Kennedy, 1962: PRESCRIBING RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY PLANNING IN THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT — Provides the Office of Emergency Planning complete authorisation to put the above orders into effect in times of increased international tension or economic or financial crisis.
#11490 by Richard Nixon, 1969: Assigning emergency preparedness functions to Federal departments and agencies — Combines Executive Orders #11001 to #11005 and #11051 into a single Executive Order.
#11921 by Gerald Ford, 1976: Adjusting Emergency Preparedness Assignments to Organizational and Functional Changes in Federal Departments and Agencies — F.E.M.A. is authorised to develop plans control energy, prices and wages, credit and the money supply to U.S. banks in the event of a ‘National Emergency.’ Congress may not review a President’s decision to enforce a ‘National Emergency’ for six months. (emphasis mine)
#12656 by Ronald Reagan, 1988: Assigmment of Emergency Preparedness Responsibilities — The National Security Council given authority to determine requisite emergency powers (increased domestic surveillance, isolation of communites, restriction of movement for groups and individuals in the USA, control of airspace, use of the national guard to enforce laws and seal borders).
#12919 by Bill Clinton, 1994: NATIONAL DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS — “National Defense Industrial Resources Preparedness” delegates authorities, responsibilities and allocations of F.E.M.A.’s Executive Orders for the confiscation of ALL PROPERTY from the American people, and their re-location and assignment to ‘labor’ camps. This Executive Order also supersedes or revokes eleven (11) previous Executive Orders [from 1939 through 1991] and amends Executive Order #10789 and #11790. The declaration of a ‘National Emergency’ by the President may immediately lead to the implementation of all or part of these provisions and if he so desires he may implement martial law, suspend the Constitution, nulify habeas corpus and all other personal liberties and rights.
Hey Lady!
ReplyDeleteI think your source may be hyperventilating a bit. Additionally, I don't know if you caught it, but at the bottom of her post she quotes 4 or 5 passages from The Weather Underground, Bill Ayers old gang. That raises red flags immediately.
Rex 84 was real enough, but created during a very different time and environment.
If you have a chance (& haven't already) read the full text of the bill for this at http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=h111-645
They want to use, whenever possible, CLOSED military facilities and nothing is mentioned about armed soldiers or paramilitary troops.
Ask yourself this: Who screamed first and loudest about Katrina, almost before the rains ended? Who screamed that there should have been a centralized place to evacuate to?
True, Republican governors have done a better job during emergencies (though we haven't seen one the size of Katrina) but it isn't Rebluicans running the show in D.C. right now. So naturally the clowns that are are going to try to fix the very problems they screamed about the very way they screamed about and spend a whole stew of good money badly.
Ask yourself, too, why whenever something like this or any big gov't plan is proposed, there is always a group who sees conspiracy theories in it?
I try to stick with Occam's Razor -- all other things being equal the simplest explanation is probably the correct one.
Someone made a great point in comments somewhere the other day. If Obuma and his loons really wanted to subjugate us and keep us down they woudl jsut do so. None of this sneaking around stuff. Worked for Hitler. Worked for Stalin. Could work here, though we'll probably hold onto our guns and give them one helluva fight.
Obuma is a dangerous, reckless Socialist. I don't see him (yet) as a Stalinist.
We've got enough real problems with this boob. We need to be watchful but also careful we don't start chasing phantoms around the churchyard or he'll slip one past us.
Pastorius, Epa and I found that out when looking into the bill so many were saying was the forced civilian corps. Until folks started reading was in that windbag piece of legislation.
For a group as inept as this one is proving to be, do you really think they could pull something as treacherous as described off?
This doesn't mean not to be on the lookout, 'cuz ya never know. Just like your early catch with that heinous DHS memo a few weeks ago. And how we had the most recent one withdrawn
Hey Lady! again :)
ReplyDeleteIgnore what I said about Weather Underground. Rereading the post (& it seems you saw it too) I misunderstod it's intent in the article.
Everything else still stands as stated, though.
Hey Lady! again again :)
ReplyDeleteOne more thing to consider then I'll shut the heck up.
This bill was introduced by Hastings. The very definition of squirrely politician (not civil servant).
He's from Florida. Hurricane ground zero.
He wants to keep his seat in 2010 so he's making it look like he's adressing the concerns of his constituents.
He's pandering.
--He wants to keep his seat in 2010 so he's making it look like he's adressing the concerns of his constituents.
ReplyDeleteHe's pandering.--
Of all the things you said, this one made me feel better. But, I keep thinking--dems have a majority, they could push this through with literally NO opposition. I don't care where they build them, defunct military bases or not, there is no need to build them at all--why even consider them at all. My one consolation is this bill hasnt even moved yet, that is a good thing, because as will all gov't projects, it will take a few years to get it going...won't it?
"Won't it?" -- especially with this crew.
ReplyDeleteI have no doubt they want to build them. Spend money that doesn't need to be spent. Make it look good to the ninnies that voted them in that they're actually trying to do public good. But nefarious intent? Nah, just can't get there. At least not on this.
This is what I mean about conspiracy type theories. Rex 84 was a Reagan era project. Something like this would have ben started under Bush since, from the pictures, some camps already exist. ALthough we don't know what those are really pictures of, but I know I saw both pre-election.
So then, under a conspiracy type theory, either the Dems & Reps are in on this together, or they switch off good cop bad cop every time a new president takes office. That takes organization & secrecy our government just isn't capable of.
I used to listen to a podcast called The Enigma Files (now defunct). Besides being a conspiracy theorist the host was an ultraconservative Catholic that made you and I look like rank amatuers.
One time she had an " anonymous caller" on who stated she had seen boxcars, bars on the outside of the windows, shackles and chains inside and a guillotine in it. For the NWO folks to be able to quickly kill & "process" their prisoners (you & me). And those that weren't processed were headed for, yep, detainment camps right here in America.
That was under Bush II.
Now Obuma is building the camps.
See what I'm getting at and why I call time out?
cosponsor: Rep Jim Gerlach r-Pa.
ReplyDeletereferred to these committees:2/6/2009
House Transportation and Infrastructure
House Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management
House Armed Services
House Armed Services, Subcommittee on Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities
If only I had a tiny bit of trust in the current govt. Just a tiny bit. I've moved from my gov't is good and honorable to they want to create a crisis--killer flu epidemic--to declare martial law---then round up the "dissenters" (they have that information from the TEA party pictures, gun registry, and patriot act)
ReplyDeleteIts wacky I know---but, good grief...what is there left to trust?
I know you are trying to talk me down from the ledge, and believe me I want to come. I don't like being out here. But, I never believed that I would be considered a possible terrorist by my gov't either. But, here we are. :)
ReplyDeleteMR, Hastings tried two other times, in 2005 and 2007 to get this bill though.
ReplyDeleteOk, this should help talk you down :)
ReplyDeleteSponsored in 2005, election in 2006.
Sponsored in 2007, election in 2008.
Additionally, and I did not knwo ths until you pointed it out, Jim Gerlach is the cosponsor.
Jim Gerlach is my representative. He is pro-gun, spoke at our gun club Holy Saturday explained what was and, more importantly, wasn't happening with gun control attempts in the House and Senate.
If Jim Gerlach cosponsored this, there is no nefarious intent. None. And the story, as presented by American Daughter, is hype and hysteria.